Join the HundrED Club

Myanmar is one of the poorest nations in South-East Asia. Less than 70% of primary school aged children complete their primary education and only 20 children out of 100 enrolled in primary school will finish lower secondary school.

For the children at New Life Foundation in Myanmar to be positive contributors to society, we need to supplement their government school education, so they learn the skills and training needed to gain employment or progress to tertiary education.

The NLF Education and Training Centre was built in 2016 and provides preschool, English, computer literacy and other classes to the children at NLF and the neighbouring community.

Join the Club that helps to free children from the cycle of poverty for just $100 per month – it costs less than a cup of coffee a day.

When you join the New Life Trust HundrED Dollar Club, you give the gift of EDucation to a child by providing them with:

EDucation from Preschool level to Tertiary.

High quality teachers.

Extra curricular activities.

Modern, safe environment to learn in.

Learning materials and access to library.

Food, clothing and shelter as required.

How it works:


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Take the HundrED pledge and commit to donating $100 every month


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New EDucation Facility

A safe modern environment to learn

Joshi's Story

Joshi was one of the star students at NLF. He was a bright, smart determined young boy whose favourite activity was reading – but life has not always been easy for Joshi. Both his parents died of a contagious disease in 1998, leaving Joshi an abandoned orphan.

Through the guidance and education provided by NLF, Joshi also was able to pass his matriculation with high distinction and even was able to graduate from the University of Dentistry in 2012.

Now married with a 3-year-old daughter, he has for the last 10 years served as a civil servant dentist at multiple hospitals. Joshi is well on his way to achieving his dream of opening a private dental clinic to serve his NLF family and his community.

Would you like to help more kids like Joshi? Your generous monthly donation of $100 can help a child in Myanmar better their education and reach their potential. If you would like to know more information, you can contact us or if you would like to sign up, click the link below:

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