The Challenge
Status in Myanmar
Formerly known as Burma, and currently has a population of 55 million living in 14 states and divisions.
There are 8 recognised regional languages with Burmese being the official language and 135 sub tribes.
Myanmar is a resource-rich country. It used to be known as the rice bowl of Asia. The country is rich in petroleum, timber, tin, zinc, copper, coal, precious stones, gas and hydropower. Myanmar mainly exports to its neighbours Thailand, Malaysia, China and India.
The Myanmar government operates as a unitary assembly-independent republic under its 2008 constitution. On 1 February, Myanmar’s military took over the government in a coup.

The Children
Unfortunately in Myanmar, many children become orphaned or abandoned for many reasons.
- Very poor families cannot feed their children, and hence some are abandoned.
- During civil war conflicts, often the children are the innocent victims and many become displaced or have lost their parents.
- Due to poor healthcare, parents die prematurely.
- HIV and addictions result in high mortality rates.
This results in hundreds of thousands of children needing assistance.

What is New Life doing to help?
New Life is on a mission to help the most vulnerable children in Myanmar. Find out what we are doing to help,